So, I finally have got around to putting a blog together. On here you will find a mix of painting, sculpting and a bit of my other hobby - photography. Most of my painting is done for Perry miniatures, either for their website or their personal armies. The sculpting is usually for myself, but I do occationally have some time for freelance work.
Updated often, so check back soon!

Monday, 16 April 2012

Asian Elephant

I sculpted this after a trip to Laos where I was Working with elephant Asia and doing a basic mahout course.... Eventually I managed to get it cast and painted! 

 I thought it would be nice to send it to David Attenborough as a gift, I got a hand written thank you letter which was very kind of him

I forgot to take more pics before I sent it.. there is a little glare on these. I wanted the base to represent the jungle floor, which is very dull unfortunately!

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