So, I finally have got around to putting a blog together. On here you will find a mix of painting, sculpting and a bit of my other hobby - photography. Most of my painting is done for Perry miniatures, either for their website or their personal armies. The sculpting is usually for myself, but I do occationally have some time for freelance work.
Updated often, so check back soon!

Sunday, 1 April 2012

English mercenaries

War of the roses plastics painted as English mercenaries fighting on the contenant. The St. Georges cross livery gives them that football holligan look! I'm particularly pleased with the armour effects on the men in full harness.


  1. Good work !!!

    Base Size?

    Best regards Dalauppror

  2. These are all on 45mm x 40mm :)

  3. great stuff steve,think my mercenaries will be heading towards swiss,not painted yellow in ages :) keep posting
