So, I finally have got around to putting a blog together. On here you will find a mix of painting, sculpting and a bit of my other hobby - photography. Most of my painting is done for Perry miniatures, either for their website or their personal armies. The sculpting is usually for myself, but I do occationally have some time for freelance work.
Updated often, so check back soon!

Monday 2 July 2012

Original Greek hoplite oil paintings for sale

Ive decided to sell off the paintings I had commissioned for the plastic Greek hoplites that I designed for Immortal Miniatures (now Warlord games). The measures 51cm x 41cm and the second, painted by Karl Kopinski measures 32cm x 46cm.

Please email me for more details.


  1. Great work Lisa Elley.! Your color choice is superb..Looking great work in your colors of Greece paintings..

  2. Do you still have these paintings for sale? how much are you selling them for and what condition are they in?

  3. Your music is amazing. You have some very talented artists. I wish you the best of success. Bavaria
